
1. あなたは早く話す。 You speak fast.
2. あなたはとても早く話す。 You speak very fast.
3. あなたは私よりももっと早く話す。 You speak faster than I do (= me).
4. あなたは私よりもはるかにもっと早く話す。 You speak much faster than I do.
5. あなたは私と同じほど早く話す。 You speak as fast as I do.
6. あなたは私の2倍早く話す。 You speak twice as fast as I do.
7. あなたはここにいる人たちの中でもっとも早く話す。 You speak the fastest of all the people here.
=(あなたはここにいる他のどんな人よりももっと早く話す) You speak faster than any other person here.
=(ここにいるどんな人もあなたよりももっと早く話さない) No other person here speaks faster than you.

1. この本はいい。 This book is good.
2. この本はとてもいい。 This book is very good.
3. この本はあの本よりももっといい。 This book is better than that one (= book).
4. この本はあの本よりもはるかにもっといい。 This book is much better than that one (= book).
5. この本はあの本と同じほどいい。 This book is as good as that one (= book).
6.    ー
7. この本はここにある本の中でもっともいい。 This book is the best of all the books here.
= この本はここにある他のどんな本よりももっといい。  This book is better than any other book here.
= ここにある他のどんな本もこの本よりよくはない。 No other book here is better than this book.

他 many (数えられる) と more (数えられない)
・あなたは多くの本を持っている。 *多くのお金を
・あなたはとても多くの本を持っている。 *とても多くのお金を
・あなたは私よりももっと多くの本を持っている。 *もっと多くのお金を
・あなたは私よりもとてももっと多くの本を持っている。 *はるかにもっと多くのお金を
・あなたは私と同じほど多くの本を持っている。 *同じほど多くのお金を
・あなたは私の2倍多くの本を持っている。 *2倍多くのお金を
・あなたはここにいる人たちの中でもっとも多くの本を持っている。 *もっとも多くのお金を
= あなたはここにいる他のどんな人よりももっと多くの本を持っている。 *多くのお金を
= ここにいる他のどんな人もはあなたよりももっと多くの本を持っていない。 *多くのお金を

・You have many books. *much money
・You have so many books. *so much money
・You have more books than I do. *more money
・You have many more books than I do. *much more money
・You have as many books as I do. *as much money as
・You have twice as many books as I do. *twice as much money as
・You have the most books of all the people here. *most money
= You have more books than any other person here. *more money
= No other person here has more books than you. *more money

・1000人もの多くの人たちがそこへ行った。 As many as 1000 people went there.
・1000人をくだらない人たちがそこへ行った。 No less than 1000 people went there.
・10人ほどだけの人たちがそこへ行った。 No more than 10 people went there.
・彼はたった1年でそれをした。 He did it in as few as one year.
・人の話は可能な限り多く聴きなさい。 Listen to others as much as possible.  
・自分のことについて可能な限り少なく話しなさい。 Talk about yourself as little as possible. 
・なるだけ早く来てください。 Come as soon as possible.
・10時までに来てください。 Please come no later than 10:00. (= by) 
・それは思ったように美味しい。 It is as delicious as I thought. 
・それは見た目ほど美味しくない。(よりもっと美味しい) It is not so (more) delicious as it looks. (than)


Tomorrow, I [want to] go to the festival but [can’t] because I [have to] work overtime. I [will] go in 3 days or [may] go the day after tomorrow if I [should] go earlier. I [must] [be going to] go within a few days anyway. Please wait. I [am going to] be there till 8:00 on the day.

Last time, I [wanted to] go but [couldn’t] because I [had to] work overtime that week. I thought I *[would] go in 3 days or [might] go the day before if I [should] go earlier. I *was sure I [would] [be going to] go within a few days anyway. Sorry *to have canselled. I [was going to] be there till 8:00 that day.

Everybody [must have] enjoyed the festival and some [may have] drunk too much. But there [can’t have] been anyone who [didn’t] enjoy the festival. I [should have] been there. If I had been there, I *[would have] been able to enjoy the festival with them.

  • would have been able to enjoy = could have enjoyed




時制を一致させる。will → would, may → might, shouldは同じ。
must (違いない)を過去にする場合、was sure 主語 would で。


This afternoon, I went [to] my station [by] bicycle. I took a train [for] Shinjuku station. Last night [at] around 10:00, I made an appointment [with] a friend to meet [in] Shinjuku [at] 1:00 p.m. I think there is a good chemistry [between] us because we are good friends and also she looks [like] my sister. When we have a problem, we give good advice [as] a good friend. I can’t live happily [without] her.

I sat [in] the seat and read a book [about] trips. I was [on] the train [for] about ten minutes *until it arrived [at] the station [before] 1:00 p.m. I got off and got out [of] the station, walked [along] the street and [under] the overpass. I looked up [at] it and it was high [above] my head. I walked [across] the street, [past] a convenience store and [toward] the meeting place. I arrived [by] 1:00 p.m.

She was leaning [against] the wall [beside] the door [of] a department store. We said hello [to] each other. And [after] that, we walked [through] the department store [to] an Italian restaurant [on] the corner [behind] it. It’s famous [for] pizza [among] other restaurants [around] the station. We went [into] the restaurant and the counter was [in] the back. We sat [at] the table [near] the door and put our bags [in] the basket [below] the table. A beautiful tablecloth was all [over] the table and [in] the middle [of] it were a few small flowers. We enjoyed a talk [during] lunch [till] 3:00. * 接続詞




on, for, at, in

on 16
Now I am sitting on the chair and reading a book on English on the computer on the desk. I saw the calendar on the wall on my left. I am relieved because everything is going on schedule. I have been having one thing on my mind. It’s playing tennis on Sunday next week wearing new tennis-wear I bought on sale on the 10th this month. I often spend money on tennis equipment. The other day, I was on the train and found it on the Internet and bought it on the spot. I always have my smartphone on hand.


for 15
I have been reading a book for a few days. I bought it last month for myself. It’s a good book for both my job and my mind. I bought it for 5,000 yen. It is very expensive but has great value for the money and famous for that. I have a strong responsibility for my job and a need for skills for it. For one thing, I need higher programming skills. I’m waiting for the day when I am a skilled programmer for my company and my future. That is the reason for buying the book, I sometimes read commic books for a change and play tennis for fun.


at 15
This afternoon I got off the train at Shinjuku station and met a friend at the ticket wicket at the west exit at 1 p.m. We had an appointment to meet at lunchtime. When I arrived at the ticket wicket, he was already there. We smiled at each other. At first we had lunch at a restaurant. We sat at a table and looked at the menu and decided what to eat at once. There was a few waiting staff there. At a glance I found they were Chinese. They were not good at speaking Japanese but they served good dishes. I was surprised at the taste.


in 21
Now I am walking in the street in Shinjuku in Tokyo. In April, I’ll be staying in New York. I’m interested in working there not in Japanese restaurants or something but in offices in a group or a team. In my thought, I’ll have my own business in a few years. I have nothing in my mind in particular in what industry I’ll be. Anyway I can stay and work in my own place. I have been there once in the past. It’s very cold in winter especialy in the morning and night but in time I will think it’s not a big problem to live in the city.


I would….

・I will do 
私はする(気が大いにある) (未来)
・I would do 
私はする(気が少しある) (未来)
・I would like to do 
私はしたいです *want の丁寧な言い方 (現在)
・Would you mind if I did?
もし私がしたら、気にする(ことはある)でしょうか? (現在)
・I would do if I had time now
もし今時間があったら、しただろう *仮定(前提は「しない」) (現在)
・I thought I would do yesterday
昨日しようと思った ”I think I will do” の過去形 (過去)
・It would rain tomorrow
明日、雨が降るだろう *will rain の弱

・I would have done if I had been there
もしそこにいたとしたら、したことだろう *事実ではない (過去仮定)


・Can I ask you to talk with me? (人の後に不定詞)
・I want you to talk with me. (人の後に不定詞)
・I hope you (will) talk with me. (人と動詞)
・I expect her to talk with me. (人の後に不定詞)

・I want to talk with you. (want の後に不定詞)
・I hope to talk with you. (hope の後に不定詞)
・I wish to talk with you. (wish の後に不定詞)

・I wish I could talk with you. (wish の後に過去文)
・I wish you good luck. (人の後に名詞)

・Can you do that? (強の可能性)
・Could you do that? (弱の可能性)

・Will you do that? (強の意思)
・Would you do that? (弱の意思)


・今 「している」 
Now, I’m doing
・今まで 「(ずっと)している」 
Up to (until) now, I’ve been doing
・今までに→前に(以前) 「したことがある」 
I’ve done before
・たった今 「した」 
Just now, I did
・たった今まで 「していた」 
Until just now, I was doing

another と others と the other(s)

○ —— ○  2つの場
one, the other one
ひとつ,  のこりのひとつ
○ —— ○ —— ○  3つの場合   
one of them, another one, the other one
それらのひとつ,  べつのひとつ,  のこりのひとつ
○○ —— ○○ —— ○○  6つの場合
それらのふたつ,  べつのふたつ,  のこりのふたつ
two of them, two others, the other two
○ —— ○○○○○○○○ 多数の場合
それらのひとつ, のこりのすべて
one of them, all the others


       met           met
       met          had met


・「私は~をした」 *過去の時間(いつ)が必要
“I did ~ (yesterday).”

・「私は~をしたことがある(あった)」 *過去の時間(いつ)をつけない
“I have (had) done ~ .”

・「私は~をすでにした」 *過去の時間(いつ)が必要
“I already did (yesterday).”

・「私は~をすでにしている(いた)」 *過去の時間をつけない
“I have (had) already done.”


“The number of people is large (small).”
“There are more (less) people today than usual.”

・「~の量が多い」は誤りで、 「~の量は大きい(小さい)」が正しい
“The amount of ~ is large (small).”